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Things we do for recruiters, hiring managers, company executives and business owners

We provide search and selection services for positions with high professional or managerial competency requirements 

We are the first company that uses visualization of career information in a recruitment process. Here is how it works:


We believe that visualized career history will become a standard part of any career profile in a near future. We believe that wide acceptance of CV visualization will allow seekers to better show their careers and that it will enable recruiters and hiring managers to make more informed and thus more effective hiring decisions. 

We specialize in regional and international recruiting

 As practicing search and selection experts we excel at international recruitment. Long term partnership with international companies and cross-border job sites gives our recruiters significant advantages in execution of international recruitment projects. 

We offer career consulting and couching

recruitment, headcount analysis and planning
employee career development
professional reserve
company and business unit restructuring and liquidation

Are you ready to energize and innovate the recruitment process at your company? 

Does your company has international recruitment challenges? Contact us – we want to work with you! 

+7 910 440 3917


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